Guðrún Ebba Ólafsdóttir

Guðrún Ebba is a trained primary school teacher and has a postgraduate diploma in Mentoring for practicing teachers. For years, she was part of the leadership of The Icelandic Teachers Union, for example as the Chairman of the Reykjavík Teachers’ Association, Vice-chairman of The Icelandic Teachers Union and was also the first Chairman of The Association of Teachers in Primary and Lower Secondary Schools. Guðrún Ebba was a city representative in Reykjavík’s City Council 2002-2006 and sat, among other things, in the city’s municipal, welfare and education council as well as one appeal committee. She translated two handbooks for teachers and school principals published by the Directorate of Education. Guðrún Ebba has decades of experience in conducting courses both in Iceland and abroad, including for teachers, school administrators and other school staff.

Guðrún Ebba has a lot of experience working with and for women struggling with trauma and addiction problems. Together with other women, she founded Drekaslóð and Rótin (The Root – Association for Women’s Welfare). She has led courses and groups for Rótin, Hlaðgerðarkot, Kvennaathvarfið, Stígamót, Drekaslóð and Bati – Charity Association. She was also a member of the board of Blátt áfram and was an instructor at courses run by the company. Guðrún Ebba translated and wrote manuals and project booklets for the Root’s courses and was responsible for their development. Guðrún Ebba’s story, Ekki líta undan, recorded by Elín Hirst, was published in 2011. Guðrún Ebba works as the director of Batahús for women.

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